Re: A82: Dr. Mario Update + dead calc


Re: A82: Dr. Mario Update + dead calc

In a message dated 98-04-16 19:44:22 EDT, you write:

> >Well, folks, I am sorry to say that Dr. Mario has been stalled indefinitely
>  >until I can get a new calc.  I have no idea what happened but hey, the
> is
>  >5 years old!  It worked just fine early yesterday, though the batteries 
> were
>  >very low (I think this might be the cause of the problem).  It seems to be
> a
>  >hardware problem which is odd, considering it has suffered no severe blows
>  >lately.  It also seems that the slightest movement will cause the RAM to 
> freak
>  >out and weird errors to happen on the calc.  When I run the selftest, if I
> hit
>  >the calc on something (or simply run something along the back of it where 
> the
>  >stand-out text is) the calc will display "RAM FAIL" in the middle of the
>  >screen.  This happens during the never-ending countup (which, btw, does
>  I
>  >tested it by leaving the calc on all last night :-) ).
>  >This is very strange, and I have _NO IDEA_ what is wrong with my calc.  I 
> have
>  >yet to contact TI.  I will do this, though, even though the calc is about
>  >years out of warranty :-).
>  >If _ANYONE_ has a clue why this is happening, PLEASE let me know.  I might
>  >also add that this happened when I changed the batteries, right after it
>  >crashed from Dr. Mario (it happens often).
>  >I greatly appreciate any help!
>  >
>  >~Adamman
>  >
>     That sucks. Maybe try taking all of the batteries out including the 
> little one
>  for a couple hours. It works when my calc was screwed up.
>   Sam

nope, it's nothing like that.  I guess I forgot to say that I left the calc
sitting with no batts in it for a few hours.  I'm looking into getting some
used calc(s) cheap.  Right now I'm looking into a great deal I found - 16.0
for $15 and 19.0 for $20.  I'm hoping to find someone with a 17.0 and even
possibly an 18.0.  Then I can have each ROM version for less than a new calc
Happy days!

