Re: A82: Galaxian bug... solved?
Re: A82: Galaxian bug... solved?
>Umm... I think I might've figured it out. I KNOW this is a
>bug - I just don't know what it does. I don't even know what
>the problem with running it in crash IS... Evil Sam, could
>you try this fix and see if it clears it up?
>This code is simply wrong. GRAPH_MEM is 768 bytes, not 960.
>((96 * 64) / 8 = 768) You're overwriting something in RAM,
>and to be accurate I don't know what the hell you're
>overwriting, but I KNOW something is glitched here: :)
> ld hl,GRAPH_MEM
> ld de,GRAPH_MEM+1 ; this clears the damned graph memory
> ld bc,960
> ld (hl),0
> ldir
>Change 960 to 768 and try that. If that doesn't fix the
>problem, LEAVE IT IN. It won't hurt to not do something that
>can seriously fuck up system RAM :)
>-- Barubary
Sorry, thats not the infamous CrASH bug. The CrASH bug was there long
before I even added the title screen.
p.s. I changed the 960 to 768 just to be sure and the title screen
became messed up.
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