Re: A82: Galaxian v3.0 beta no more!


Re: A82: Galaxian v3.0 beta no more!

In a message dated 98-04-14 18:24:47 EDT, you write:

> >   Galaxian v3.0 is officially done. I finally got the lasers display to 
>  >work correctly(actually Dines got it to work). The new version is 
>  >attached to the email(just Galaxan2.82p)
>  >   Other news....
>  > Pacman '98 has been delayed till June 14, 1998. I simply don't have 
>  >time now that I'm on the school golf team(ha-ha). In the little spare 
>  >time I have, I have been aggressively working on Orzunoid. Greg got his 
>  >routine to work so now you have to work for the level skip. I have made 
>  >the levels harder. I'm adding 2 new powerups(Not kidding). And some 
>  >other stuff. Release date: April 22, 1998
>  >  Sam
>  Why can't you use MIME encoding?  I have no way to uudecode these files...
>  -- Barubary

I got it as a .mim file, quote here:

Subj:	 A82: Galaxian v3.0 beta no more!
Date:	98-04-13 18:40:58 EDT
From: (Evil Sam)

File:  Galaxian.mim (8107 bytes)
DL Time (28800 bps): < 1 minute

This message is a multi-part MIME message and will be saved with the default
filename Galaxian.mim

So I don't know if it was sent that way or AOL messed up on some conversion.
Anyway it's available on now.
