Re: A82: TI doesn't suck all batteries
Re: A82: TI doesn't suck all batteries
>[Ok. For you, they won't. But my dad is an electrical engineer for
>Controls and he thinks your crazy for doing that.]>
>Hey, does he understand all the Ti-hardware type stuff? That's my major
>too!!! I took it because of the hardware stuff like the temp sensor and
>I wanted to know how to do it more than in theory. My real "Profession"
>will be in automobile racing.
I didn't tell you you had to beleive me, but I didn't tell you that I'm
also taking graduate electronic electroncis classes at the UAA (University
of Alaska Anchorage)... I just learned how to interface with hard drives
and do dma transfers with your own code! fun! now I gota go get a date
for friday... :)
hey, what do you guys think about titanic? shes never seen it and wants
too... [note: just a tidbit none of you wanted to know... :)]
Its actually pretty cool... SO, I won't have time to do the IDE part of
the EIII for the driver... I'm making mp3 players that go on 4.3GB hds...
What do you mean my major? Are you taking electroncis classes like me, and
using it for ti hardware, or what?
NOTE: If you think this is offtopic, and didn't read to this part, you
will not be informed. I have an extremely huge header and footer which I
typed :)
I don't care if there aren't good enough shells, maybe some progress in the
drivers will make the guys work faster... I need someone who would like to
help program the EIIIs IDE part... I've found 1" ide hard drives that
might fit in the calc... Then we can have 40MB...
>[It hasn't happened
>yet... Its just like sex... You won't alaways get aids the first
>And another thing, you can't put I/o in backwards. think about it.]>
>If you have a multi-voltage adaptor, like the 1,5;3;4.5;6;9 with the 4~6
>plugs on the end usually has a selector switch for the tip being positive
>or negative. That is why most things with the jack have the little (o-+
>symbol menaing {in this case} that the tip is positive; the ( should be a
>near circle in a "C" shape.
Yet, if you know what I was talking about, you can't put i/o in backwards,
you see its true.. I'd like to know which of input or output is
backwards... :) Putting the wires on backwards is not an error, its
stupid. You are supposed to have the wires on the right places, thats
that... You don't say I've got my output wires on backwards... There are
I and O ports on computers, and some I/O...
yuou have to set the DDR (data direction register) then you can send!
[note: for most microcontrollers/processors... Ticalcs treat their i/o
ports real bad]
>[you'd be safer smoking dog poop than doing that...]>
>The surgeon general has not determined that dog poop is bad for your
>health. Until then I will be marketing my new tobbaccoless cigarettes,
>Buttogz[TM]. They may taste and smell like crap, but the price is dog
Its safer to smoke that stuff than get high on marjuana or pot...
liquidified dog poop instead of shotting herion... :)
>[Its also powering the batteries if your plug isn't a switcher style.
>recoders have these...]>
>So does the Ti-1250
Yeah... They have a little tab, and when the plug is inserted the tab
turns the connection from batteries to power cord... Its NC (normally
Oh yeah, don't ask me to explain pio/dma transfers on ide hard drives... I
have a hard time getting it myself... :( ;)
>~Larry C
> "He's all the craziness of George, the zanyness of Kramer mixed with the
>humor of Dilbert"
> Visit the Vaccuum Gateway
>Buttogz is copyrighted 1998 and a registered trademark of Larry's Stupid
>Ideas Co. Any resemblance between Buttogz and dog poop is purely
Fertilixe your crack with human poop and then get deadly diseases! Another
risk of buying someones crack! You can get deadly painful diseases not
from a joint/ect.. but the stuff that fertilized it! :P'
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