Re: A82: Answers to misc. Q's (and how to crash back to TIOS in Ash)
Re: A82: Answers to misc. Q's (and how to crash back to TIOS in Ash)
In a message dated 98-04-13 12:01:54 EDT, you write:
> I can't have a teacher key in Crash because it does not have a built
> routine for that and to this point I do not have a working teacher key
> routine. If
> Ash 3.1 is not compatible to Crash then it has defeated my whole purpose of
> trying
> to make the game compatible. In that case I will just make two versions.
> One more
> thing, Dines, did you ever port the functions from Usgard that Andreas gave
> ya like
> FLine and PutSprite?
you have FLine?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I've been looking for that _EVERYWHERE_, I even
emailed Sam Davies (the creator) but he hasn't answered back. The only place
I've seen it is Andreas' site and it's SCREWED (the page is, that is). I
finally guessed at the URL for the routines section (where FLine is located on
the server) but all the links are broken! So, please, if you have ported it
please email me the original AND ported version, else just the original.
Thank you SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS: CrASH does have a built-in teacher key, right?