Re: A82: TI doesn't suck all batteries


Re: A82: TI doesn't suck all batteries

{{yes, it does have to do with the order of the batteries.  Your 
calculator, wether or not you think it does, doesn't say "Hey!  Lets rip 
this guy off by magically only using the 2 outer batteries!"...  Sorry, 
this isn't star treck...  :)
They are just in series...  If they were in 2 sets of parallel, then TI 
could choose to drain one set...  :) Now, I could get my power 
mechanical book (its the book most electrical engineers use to learn in 
college, I got it from the university) I could explain the physics or 
chemistry or what ever goes on in the batteries... Man!  THat book has 
everything!  Its got things on how to use power switching jacks, all the 
way how to safely test the power charging and switching plug on your 
product...  It even has a section on how to demonstrate the results of 
improperly connecting a power adaptor to batteries... (I did that one 
last night!  All the acid comes right out and dries into a white/yellow 
crusty mess...)

what's the ISBN of that book and how much does it cost?  where can i get 
it?  i'd like to see some stuff in that book.  how many pages?

and where's the E2?

ICQ:9188921 "No Sol to kill"

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