Re: A82: TI doesn't suck all batteries
Re: A82: TI doesn't suck all batteries
I'm afraid your wrong.
We aren't dealing with fucking balloons!
MANY other batter-powered devices use the power equally.
Here is my explanation on how it should work:
The batteries all contribute their power together and the calculator
uses that 'pool' of energy to run.
I may be way off, but my point is that the batteries should last longer
in TI's!!
Robert Caldwell wrote:
> {{Yeah, I've noticed that also. 1 is always dead and the others aren't.
> Weird, but that is the way TI wants it I guess. Maybe if you "rotate" or
> battery order they may last longer?
> ~Ilya}}
> if you know anything about how batteries work, you'll know that it has
> nothing to do with trying to sell more batteries.
> imagine the following senario: you have a box with two holes in it, on
> one hole you place a baloon full of water. fill it until it covers the
> other hole. this exact configuration is something similar to how a
> battery works, the pressure of the water is the voltage of the battery,
> one hole is the negative end and the other is the positive end. now
> place 4 of these in series where the baloons are all facing in one
> direction. as one baloons' pressure exerts on the back end of another,
> the pressure increases, just like the batteries voltage increases. the
> batteries don't actually waste all of there "water" or energy per se,
> the baloon all the way at the end is the only one actually putting forth
> all it's voltage, when it's dead then the series is "dead." but in
> actuality the other 3 baloons still have a "charge."
> now we could get into something a little deeper, but i don't think
> that's needed for answering the way a battery works in your ti.
> any questions/comments, please feel free to ask/say.
> -Rob
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