Re: A82: AC Adaptor and Extra battery pack spiel
Re: A82: AC Adaptor and Extra battery pack spiel
Ok. For you, they won't. But my dad is an electrical engineer for Johnson
Controols and he thinks your crazy for doing that. It hasn't happened
yet... Its just like sex... You won't alaways get aids the first time...
And another thing, you can't put I/o in backwards. think about it.
>No, they wont, unless you put the i/o in backwards or accidentally short
>something out.
>I've had my calc plugged in for about 2 or 3 days now non-stop
>If they were gonna blow up/leak, they would've done it by now.
Like I said, you are no exception. Under certian circumstances, batteries
have been proven to even explode without any previous heat ups... Don't
beleive me, but you'd be safer smoking dog poop than doing that...
>tsk,tsk the plug is perfect. no shorts, and it doesn't matter- metal on
>metal is metal on metal.
>Round-style? like Rad-shack?
Its also powering the batteries if your plug isn't a switcher style. Tape
recoders have these...
>Well, i'd hope it would :)
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