Re: A82: No more good 83 ports?


Re: A82: No more good 83 ports?

>I asked Nagel to let me port TBoutII, and he said No, he doesn't want 
>						-Ahmed

   Heres a suggestion: ask really nicely. Remember how Craig said he 
asked Nagel to give him the Nibbles source so that he may port it, but 
Nagel wouldn't give it to him. But somehow Barubary convinced Bill to 
let him do it. I'm sure CrASH_Man also probably had to talk Nagel into 
letting him port Penguins. It would seem rediculous that he wouldn't let 
someone port Turbo Breakout 2 because he has already released the source 
to the public. (Maybe you just have to promise to put his name all over 
the place like the other Nagel ports. Btw, after seeing "by Bill Nagel" 
on so many game titles, I have decided in the next versions of Galaxian 
and Orzunoid I'm removing the "by Evil Sam" part of the titles cuz its 
way too tacky(boy is my grammar bad today!))
   Evil Sam
p.s. for those who have noticed I have switched to Hotmail(hence my 
address is different)

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