Re: A82: (D_HL_DECI)
Re: A82: (D_HL_DECI)
ok I am completly new to this list and assembly where can I start
learning to program for for the 82 for oshell?
On Mon, 29 Sep 1997 19:19:44 -0700 Matt Maurano <>
>ld a, 50
>ld (SCORE), a
>ld a, (SCORE)
>ld l, a
>ld h, 0
>GeradS711@AOL.COM wrote:
>> Can somebody please send me a routine that will display a score
>stored at
>> (score) using ROM_CALL(D_HL_DECI) I have tried everything, and
>nothing is
>> working;-)
>> Thanx,
>> Gerad