Re: A82: PutSprite Help
Re: A82: PutSprite Help
At 11:53 PM 9/23/97 -0400, you wrote:
>I cant get Putsprite to work look at my code someone please
>#include "ti82.h"
>#include "oldcall.h"
>#include "graph.h"
>.db "Sprite",0
> ld hl, Sprite
> ld b,10
> ld c,10
> ld hl, Sprite
> ld b,10
> ld c,10
> CALL_(PutSprite)
Don't use a CALL_() will put the calc in an infinite loop.
> jr Loop
> call GET_KEY
> cp 15
> ret z
> ret
> push bc
> push de
> ld a,63
> sub c
> ld c,a
> push hl
> push hl
> ld de,$88B8 ;CHANGED FROM $FC00 is that right?
> add hl,de
> ex de,hl
> pop hl
> ld b,(hl)
> inc hl
> ld c,(hl)
> inc hl
> push hl
> pop ix
> ex de,hl
> push bc
> ld d,(ix)
> inc ix
> push af
> push hl
> rl d
> ld e,a
> jr nc,PS_NoPixel
> or (hl)
> ld (hl),a
> jr PS_NextPixel
> cpl
> and (hl)
> ld (hl),a
> ld a,e
> rrca
> jr nc,PS_SameByte
> inc hl
> djnz PS_NewCol
> pop hl
> pop af
> ld de,16
ERROR!!!! This line needs to be ld de,12...NOT 16. This indicates how
many bytes across the screen there are. On the 85 there are 16, on the 82
there are 12.
> add hl,de
> pop bc
> dec c
> jr nz,PS_NewRow
> pop hl
> pop de
> pop bc
> ret
>.db 6,6
>.db %110011
>.db %100001
>.db %000000
>.db %000000
>.db %100001
>.db %110011
>#include ""
Also, I notice that your source doesn't display the GRAPM_MEM to the
screen. Remember to make a ROM_CALL to do that or you will end up with a
blank screen.
Hope that answers your question,
Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"