Re: A82: Re: Why not???
Re: A82: Re: Why not???
Any people with functions they've made that they would like to see in
something like this can either mail me or, in some other way, make them
available to this mailing list. Then, I (or someone else who thinks they
would rather do it) would periodically release the newest version of the
"library" (I refer as it to a library-hope no one is offended).
The way I see it is as follows: at first, the library would have only a few
functions, but as it circulated, people would be free to make additions to it
or present routines that they prove are more effecient, etc. than the
existing ones. However, whoever takes this task over (if no one else, myself
or the shell dev., but I think I rememer him saying he had some HUGE
project...) would have to make sure that the new library is released
regularly and without bugs.
When something like this is started, it is ESSENTIAL that there is no
competition among multiple libraries (similar to what happened with ASH vs.
OSHELL). Any competition would only confuse the project and destroy the
reason for starting this (simplicity, ease of use, and high productivity for