TI82 Basic functions (Was:Re: A82: Hruska's AI potential -? (Mainly to
TI82 Basic functions (Was:Re: A82: Hruska's AI potential -? (Mainly to Hruska))
I do not know if you guys have heard this, but as i told the people on a85
a few days ago i have looked almost all the ti85 basic functions. I am
very sure that when i get the time o will have no problem at all locating
them on the ti82 too. The whole thing is actually very easy, it took me
like 20 mins form i found the entry point till i had found all the
On the ti85 i have located all almost all the basic function except the
ones which deals with the display and the input rutines. All the math,
matrix, list, storing functions have been located. This means that i know
a lot more functions on the ti85 than on the ti83 (ti only listed a very
limited part in the it83 docs).
So instead of going out and buying a ti83/6, just wait for the ti82 ones
to be documented or find them yourself :)
I have a list of the rutines i found on the ti85, so if anyone is
interested in seeing what i am talking about i can send it to you.
Besides that i have just received some more great news. Someone have now
made a romdump utility for the ti83. As soon as i get that i can have a
look at the ti83 rom which should make finding all the rutines found on
the ti83 alot easier. Since all i have all the adrs of the functions
documented i can just look at them and cmopare it with what i found on the
ti85. This should be a big help in documentying more functions.
The only problem with all this is that it all takes time, and as usual i
am very busy. I have however asked Professor Zoom if he is interested in
helping me with this project (he was the one who documented the last entry
buffer). If any one else is interested in helping, mail me and i will tell
you where to start looking.
BTW Jason and i annouced that we are now working on one shell some time
ago, but Thomas Hruska still plans a Ash<->OS82 development kit. To me
thats seems like a waste of time (unless he finshed the kit very fast and
it takes us forever to finsh the shell).
Dines Justesen
Email: dines@post1.com or
WWW : http://www.gbar.dtu.dk/~c958362/
On Mon, 22 Sep 1997, Matt Maurano wrote:
> Well that ain't going to happen, 68k<->z80, but I'd be interested in how Hruska
> will do a Zshell kit. It isn't just different ROM calls, its screen size and disp
> controller, and lots of stuff. If he could pull it off, it'd be great, but I
> think we'd be better spending our time looking for usefull ROM functions. (Like
> all those neat ones on the 83. Man, I wish TI'd of supported ASm on the 82s. I
> saw that list, division, rand, multiplication, and it almost made me run out and
> get an 86.)
> > How long until we see Ash <-> OShell-82 <-> OS-82 <-> ZShell <-> Fargo <->
> > Fargo II ? :-)