A82: Semi-Newbie HELP! I'm stumped.....
A82: Semi-Newbie HELP! I'm stumped.....
Hi there I'm stumped, looking at this block of code for an hour, and still
not knowing why it don't work makes me want to break my 82 in half. So
anyone know why this don't work (score always shows up as 00002!):
thescore = TEXT_MEM + 40 ; next var is 42... so it's a word
ld bc, 1
ld (thescore), bc
[other stuff...]
push bc
push hl
ld bc, 0
ld bc, (thescore) ; I think the problem may be here, but
inc bc
inc bc
ld (thescore),bc
ld hl, 0
ld hl, (thescore)
; THANX Anders for the base of the next routine...
LD DE,$802C ; -> OP1 (temp storage)
LD B,5 ; maimum number of digits
CALL UNPACK_HL ; Unpack one digit of HL into A
ADD A,$30 ; make it ASCII
LD (DE),A ; Save in buffer
dec b
ld a,b ; point to next digit
jr NZ,dnsc_loop
LD A,0
LD ($802D),A ; nullterminate it
INC DE ; point to first digit
ex de,hl
ld de, $2044
ld ($8215), de
ROM_CALL(D_ZM_STR) ; print it
pop hl
pop bc
push bc
pop bc
[goes back to top for some other stuff....]