A82: Game Wizard v2.0 updated


A82: Game Wizard v2.0 updated

Game Wizard v2.0 for OS-82 v1.1 was discovered to crash every time it was
loaded.  I have fixed this problem since then (basically needed only a few
lines removed and one line changed).  If you downloaded the program from
the web site before 7:00pm 9-18-97, then you have the old version.  Please
return to <http://shinelight.home.ml.org/> for the latest version.  The
version number is still the same since I only want to change it when I have
a major change in the program.

Sorry for any inconvienence,

                 Thomas J. Hruska -- thruska@tir.com
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"