A82: Re: a82: writing to the display port!!!
A82: Re: a82: writing to the display port!!!
Below you will find a short disribtion of how the problem could be solved,
and some code to implement this. I have not tested the code (i was not near
any z80 books or ti82 files when i wrote this) so it might contain some
errors, but you should be able to get the idea. Most of the code can be
optimized so it will run faster than what i have written, but doing this
would make the code harder to understand. It should not be hard to optimize
the code, as long as you understand what is going on. I included some
comments to the code, but i was in a hurry when i wrote it so there migh not
be enough. If there are eny parts of the code that you do not understand,
just mail the questions and i will answer them. So here we go ...
Instead of defining the paddle as you wrote, try doing this :
Define two variables in the text_mem, a byte called curcol and a word called
bitmap. Curcol will contain the current column of the paddle, and bitmap the
bitmap to display.
When you want to move the paddle to the left, check if the first byte of
bitmap is 0FFh, if it is decrease curcol and set bitmap to 00h,FFh (unless
curcol was allready 0, if it was do nothing). If the byte was <> 0FFh shift
bitmap once. When this is done draw the bitmap.
When you want to move the paddle to the left do the same thing, but just in
the other direction.
So the source could look something like this.
Bitmap = TEXT_MEM ; Define vars in text mem
Curcol = TEXT_MEM+2
LD A,$8C ; Set rompage
OUT (2),A
ROM_CALL(CLEARLCD) ;clear display
Init: ;Initialize vars in textmem
ld hl,TEXT_MEM
ld (HL),$FF ; Set bitmap to 1111111100000000b
inc hl
ld (HL),$00
inc hl
ld (HL),$26 ; Set position to column 6 (you have to add $20 to the column)
call UP_PADDLE ;Draw paddle
;Insert code which moves paddle here
; Move_right moves paddle right
; Move_left moves paddle left
; UP_PADDLE draw the paddle
LD HL,(Bitmap) ;Get current bitmap
CP A,$FF ; Is paddle all the way to the right ?
JR Z,MRCol ; Yes goto next col
SRL H ;Shift HL right
LD (Bitmap),HL ;Save new bitmap
JR UP_PADDLE ;Update scren
LD A,(Curcol) ; Getcurrent position
CP $2A ;If we are all the way to the right we can not move more
ret z ; so return
inc a
ld (Curcol),a ;Save new position
ld hl,$FF00 ;Set new bitmap
jr UP_PADDLE ;Show it
LD HL,(Bitmap) ;Get current bitmap
CP A,$FF ; Is paddle all the way to the left ?
JR Z,MLCol ; Yes goto next col
SLA L ;Shift HL left
LD (Bitmap),HL ;Save new bitmap
JR UP_PADDLE ;Update scren
LD A,(Curcol) ; Getcurrent position
CP $20 ;If we are all the way to the left we can not move more
ret z ; so return
dec a
ld (Curcol),a ;Save new position
ld hl,$00FF ;Set new bitmap
ld (Bitmap),HL
jr UP_PADDLE ;Show it
ld a,5 ; make cursor move right every time we write a byte
call $7F3 ;do thid before all writes to port 10/11
out (10h),a
ld a,(Curcol) ; get current column
call $7F3 ;do thid before all writes to port 10/11
out (10h),a ; set column
ld a, $BD ; Third line from the bottom
call $7F3 ;do thid before all writes to port 10/11
out (10h),a ;goto it
ld hl,(Bitmap) ;get bitmap
ld a,h ;write first part of bitmap
call $7F3 ;do thid before all writes to port 10/11
out (11h),a
ld a,l ;write second part of bitmap
call $7F3 ;do thid before all writes to port 10/11
out (11h),a
ld a,(Curcol) ; get current column
call $7F3 ;do this before all writes to port 10/11
out (10h),a ; set column
ld a, $BE ; Second line from the bottom
call $7F3 ;do thid before all writes to port 10/11
out (10h),a ;goto it
ld hl,(Bitmap) ;get bitmap
ld a,h ;write first part of bitmap
call $7F3 ;do thid before all writes to port 10/11
out (11h),a
ld a,l ;write second part of bitmap
call $7F3 ;do thid before all writes to port 10/11
out (11h),a
I hope this helps you, but remember this is not optimized code it is meant
to help you understand how a fast rutine could be written.
-----Original Message-----
From: GSGolfNut@aol.com <GSGolfNut@aol.com>
To: assembly-82@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-82@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: 18. september 1997 00:50
Subject: A82: a82: writing to the display port!!!
>I need a fast routine for putting pixels to the display port explained in
>detail, starting with changing the rom page. What I want to do is make a
>paddle move back and forth across the screen. The paddle would look like
>.db 11111111b
>.db 11111111b