A82: Game Wizard v2.0 released


A82: Game Wizard v2.0 released

Game Wizard v2.0 is out!  Here are the features in this new version:

ROM v16.0 contrast support (v1.0 messed up the contrast)
Built in Hex Viewer (for programmers...like me)
Only uses the APD buffer now (fewer crashes)
ASH v3.0 support while still retaining OS-82 support
Changed the keys to keep ASH v3.0 from crashing yet kept the ergonomically
correct layout.

Game Wizard v2.0 is a **MUST HAVE** for all gamers and most

Game Wizard v2.0 will be the ONLY program that will enable you to get to
the secret level in SQRXZ 82!!!

Download Game Wizard v2.0 from the official web site for ALL Shining Light
Production's programs at <http://shinelight.home.ml.org/>.

Tell me what you think of it once you have tested it.

                 Thomas J. Hruska -- thruska@tir.com
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
