Re: A82: Newbie: How do you get a proggie to quit.


Re: A82: Newbie: How do you get a proggie to quit.

Cory Crooks wrote:

> Hi there, a newbie here, learning ASM for tetris, with a couple
> questions... first for a simple proggie to move around some text when you
> press one key, and exit out when you press another (MODE I think), why
> doesn't this code work?
> #include "TI82.H"
> .DB "Hello World v0.0003",0
>         GRAPH_START    ; BTW what does this do???

This clears the screen and sets the rom page to 4 for find_pixel. You do not
need it for your current program.

>         ld B,$0F
>         ld C,$0F
>         jr keydloop

The above line is redundant.

> keydloop:
>         ROM_CALL(KEY_HAND)  ; Any faster procedures?

Do a call GET_KEY. The codes in your program are for GET_KEY, while you call

>         cp $03
>         JP Z,makeblockgoover
>         cp $37
>         jp Z,doending

If all that is in doending is a ret, do ret Z instead of the jp.


Also, instead of jp, use jr's (Untill the compiler complains, then go back to
jp for that jump only). They are smaller and faster.

>         JR keydloop
> makeblockgoover:
>         inc b
>         inc c
>         ld ($8215),BC

>         ld HL,greets
>         ROM_CALL(D_ZM_STR)
>         jp keydloop
> doending:
>         ret
> greets: .db "Hi there",0
> .end
> I think somethings wrond with my jp's and ret's. Any help is greatly
> appreciated. Also, anyone know why there isn't a ticalc newsgroup? Or is
> there one and my news server doesn't carry it. Anyway, thanx for any help
> you can give me...
> -- Badman
> Home of: Badman's Funhouse and CRC Software

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