A82: Checksum Calculation...
A82: Checksum Calculation...
I found the following on how to calculate the checksum of a TI-82 PRGM file
in Hacking the TI-85 by David Boozer:
> File Offset Contents
> 0000 - 0034 Header
> 0035 - 0036 Size word (Number of data bytes)
> 0037 - XXXX-2 Data bytes (obtained from TI-85)
> XXXX-1 - XXXX Checksum word
>The header contains the string "**TI85**", and the file comment that you see
>when using LINK85. The size word at offset 0035 is the number of bytes that
>contain data obtained from the TI-85, and is equal to:
> (Size of .85B file in bytes)
> - (35 bytes for the header)
> - (2 bytes for the size word)
> - (2 bytes for the checksum)
> ------------------------------
> (# of data bytes)
> (# of data bytes) = (Size of .85B file in bytes) - 39
>The checksum word is calculated by adding together all the data bytes (but
>bytes from the header, size word, or checksum word) MOD 10000.
The only problem I have is with the added data bytes MOD 10,000. Shouldn't
this be added data bytes MOD 65,536 (so that it knocks off numbers larger
than a two byte integer)? For those of you who don't know what modular
arith. is, you did it in 2nd grade and it was division using remainders
(wow, that was a long time ago... :)
Thomas J. Hruska -- thruska@tir.com
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"