Re: A82: Re:


Re: A82: Re:

Bascially, you are getting into the area of HAL, or a header file attached to the
code. C/Pascal, etc, require far too much overhead, as you said. It would not be
hard to make a header file converting every Disp and Output in TI-Basic to asm.
Actually, now that I think of it, you'd simply need an equivalent to every
ti-basic command. It would be fairly easy, but unoptimized. The hard part is with
floating point and the other math stuff that is integrated so well into TI-basic. wrote:

> Well, not exactly.  First of all, cout is a C++ command.  It is doing much
> more than printing "Hello" or whatever to the screen.  It is putting that
> data into a stream, which is sent to standard out, or the screen (more or
> less).  Writing a C++ compiler for the calc would not be the greatest idea,
> since C++ is designed to make large applications easier to write and reuse
> code, not write small games.
> If you do write a standard C compiler, you would most likely use printf.  You
> would take
> printf("Hello, World");
> and turn it into
>     LD DE, STRING1
>     ADD HL, DE
>     .DB "Hello, World!", 0
> This is a basic idea of what the compiler would do.  You would have to
> rewrite the printf function to call the rom function to write to the screen.
>  I hope this helps.
> David Phillips
> <<
>  so I make it to where the libs turn   cout << "Hello"; to db. "Hello",0
>  On Sun, 26 Oct 1997 11:16:26 +0100 "Dines Justesen"
>  <> writes:
>  > C compilers have been made and are working for the TI85, so i can not
>  >imagine why it should be so hard to make on for the TI82. As far as i
>  >can
>  >see all you have to do is to rewrite the libs.
>  >
>  >Dines
>  >
>  >-----Original Message-----
>  >From: Bennie R Copeland <>
>  >To: <>
>  >Date: 26. oktober 1997 00:38
>  >Subject: A82: Re:
>  >
>  >
>  >
>  >>oh ok =)
>  >>
>  >>On Sat, 25 Oct 1997 13:41:01 -0700 Matt Maurano <>
>  >>writes:
>  >>>Next to impossible, and if possible, next to useless. prog82.exe
>  >>>simply adds
>  >>>the necessary ti82 header to make any z80 object code file into an
>  >82
>  >>>program. If you had a C complier that required no overhead on the
>  >>>calc, and
>  >>>could make z80 code, it would probably work. However, You are
>  >probably
>  >>>better
>  >>>using asm, as C could be hard to adapt to the TI.
>  >>>
>  >>>Bennie R Copeland wrote:
>  >>>
>  >>>> how plausible is it to write a program in C or C++ compile into an
>  >>>object
>  >>>> file and then use prog82.exe to make it into a ti 82 file?
>  >>>
>  >>>
>  >>>
>  >>>
>  >>
>  >>
>  >
>  >
>   >>
