Re: A82: ASM Edit on calc
Re: A82: ASM Edit on calc
At 03:57 PM 10/21/97 -0400, you wrote:
>I have found a way to edit ASM games on the calc!!! I was just doing
>stuff with MemEdit82 v1.0 and I found the GW Tester v.1.0 and I changed
>the Title from
It's been *possible* to do this, the argument against it was that it wasn't
practicle. Mostly because you'd have to reinstall Ash or OShell every time
you crashed the calc.
>I'm going to do more of this kind of stuff to see if I can see a patern
>of the begining of the program's to see if I could make one myself.
Get the 82RAM.TXT file, and all the others in that series. They're
availible at many TI sites, and if you want to write a prog you must update
the VAT. In addition you have to update a pointer or two in memory and move
the "ANS" entry down.
Robert Glass
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