Creasy wrote:
This has hapened to me twice. I loaded stuff on my calc then I ran aIt's not Ash's fault, but the actual games' faults. I've had problems with certain combinations of games, but my favorite four games (Columns, Zetris, Spaze, and SameGame) all work fine together.
PROG and whan I exited there were a bunch of stuff missing. The first
time the fist 2 PROG's on the list were blank and I ran one and it
locked up. The second time the first 2 PROG's were gone but the rest
took their place so I exited the Shell and pushed 2nd ENTER and it came
up with ERR: MEMORY so i picked 1: QUIT and did PRGM ASH on the screen
it said prgmASH. I pushed ENTER and it locked up. My calc locked up so
many times that I never get a chance to play the games!!
I have rom 19 and I have sent in in the past about a simalar Prob. it
was about slippy not working.I can't wait until the new shell comes out so I can play games!!
Doug Torrance
(: Have a happy day! :)