Re: A82: ld hl,$FC00+13+(16*7) ---??what??
Re: A82: ld hl,$FC00+13+(16*7) ---??what??
Patrick Davidson wrote:
> >What are the screen coordinates of | ld hl,$FC00+13+(16*7) |
> >At least I think that is what it is used for. It is from an 86
> >assembly program, used for displaying a small pic.
> Row 7, column 104
> The TI-86 screen is a 16 bytes wide bitmap, so the Y coordinate
> given by the upper 6 bits of the address (7 in this case), and
> the X coordinate is 8 times the value of the lower 4 bits (13).
So, for the 82, how would I get it to be Row 7, column 78?