A82: Input Routine
A82: Input Routine
This is geared mostly for Dines...
I have probably waited too long to ask this, but the reason the input routine
wasnt working was because of the blinking cursor. Are the addresses correct?
Look for the stars
; Input routine - made by Jimmy Mårdell 97-03-05
; Reads a sentence entered from the keyboard. Only uppercase letters
; and space are allowed. Left arrowkey = backspace.
; When calling, HL should point to where the string should be stored
; and A should hold the maximum length of the string. Be sure there
; are enough space (A+1) to store the nullterminated string at HL!
; ($800C) should hold the screen position where the string starts.
; This input routine will also have a flashing cursor. If you don't like
; it, remove all rows where the explanation starts with a *.
; IMPORTANT: The input must NOT wrap to a new row! Then it will not work
; properly. The last char on a row should not be used either (if cursorcol=0
; when calling, the maximum char length is 20). If you have a cursor, the
; two last chars should not be used (max length 19 if the screen location
; starts to the far left).
; The routine requires one temporary variable, noLet.
; push bc
; push de
; push hl
; set 2,(iy+12) ; * Turn cursor blinking on (interrupts must be
ld (noLet),a ; Store the maximum lenght of the string
ld e,0 ; E = numbers of letters written so far
; ld a,32
; ld ($800E),a ; * Set "character under cursor" to space
push hl ; Save HL since GET_KEY destroys it's content
ld a, 217
ld hl, $800D
dec (hl)
call GET_KEY
cp $02 ; $02 = left key
jr z,BackSpace
cp $09 ; $09 = enter
jr z,NameDone
or a
jr nz,CheckLetter
pop hl
jr WaK
ld hl,Letters
ld bc,26 ; 26 letters to check
cpir ; Compare A with each letter until a match is found
ld d,c ; Then C = the letter. Store in D
pop hl ; HL -> current position in string
jr nz,WaK ; If not valid keystroke, wait for new key
ld a,65 ; 65 = ascii char for A
add a,d ; A now holds the ascii char for the letter pressed
ld c,a
ld a,(noLet) ; A = max letters
cp e ; Check if max size is reached
jr z,WaK ; If so, wait for a new key
ld (hl),c ; If not, store the key entered
inc hl ; Point to the next byte in the string
inc e ; And increase the letter counter
ld a,c
ROM_CALL(TX_CHARPUT) ; Show the chars pressed on the screen
jr WaK ; And jump back and wait for a new key
pop hl ; HL -> current position in string
ld a,e
or a ; Check if string size = 0
jr z,WaK ; If so, backspace is impossible. Check for new key.
; res 2,(iy+12) ; * Stopp cursor blinking
dec e ; Decrease string size
dec hl ; And string pointer
push hl
ld hl,$800D ; HL -> x cursor position
dec (hl) ; Decrease it
ld a,32 ; Overwrite the last letter with a space
ROM_CALL(TX_CHARPUT) ; Put the space over the chars
ROM_CALL(TX_CHARPUT) ; * And over the (non) blinking cursor
dec (hl) ; * Decrease the x coordinate twice
dec (hl) ;
pop hl
; set 2,(iy+12) ; * Stopp cursor blinking
jr WaK ; Wait for a key
pop hl ; HL -> current position in string
ld (hl),0 ; Put a terminating zero at the end of the string
; res 2,(iy+12) ; * Stopp cursor blinking
; pop hl
; pop de
; pop bc
; The keycodes of the letters A-Z stored backways
.db $1A,$22,$2A ;ZYX
.db $0B,$13,$1B,$23,$2B ;WVUTS
.db $0C,$14,$1C,$24,$2C ;RQPON
.db $0D,$15,$1D,$25,$2D ;MLKJI
.db $0E,$16,$1E,$26,$2E ;HGFED
.db $1F,$27,$2F ;CBA