Re: A82: Avalanche 1.0 for Ash 3.0 bug or secret
Re: A82: Avalanche 1.0 for Ash 3.0 bug or secret
Avalanche news:
I have finished v1.1 now and fully optimized the game (less than 1730
I just got a backround pic from someone and fixed the speed/screen
problems. I am gonna try to finish up v1.1 and release it by Sunday. I
would do it today except I don't have a pc and have to use the ones at
the college and on monday-wednesday it is always full. And it is closed
around thanksgiving so I might not get the chance to work on it. But I
have a question to ask you asm programmers: I want the screen to "shake"
when you play but haven't figured out how. Could somebody please tell me
how this could be accomplished? I remember DINES talking about screen
scrooling and KURAI's dying eyes battle demo shakes when you get hit, so
if any of you two could help me out I would appreciate it.