Re: A82: Dividing and remainders


Re: A82: Dividing and remainders

The rom actually contains a rutine which can be used for divinding two
numbers, and it is located in the same location on all rom versions. The
functions is placed at app. A2h.

The book Programming the Z80 Actually contains 4 rutines for division (and
a lot of other math rutines). The four rutines are 16/8 bits and 2* 8/8
bits and a 16/15 bits. If anyonw needs one of these rutines mail me. (or
you can buy the book at :-) ).



Dines Justesen
Email: or
WWW  :

On Sun, 23 Nov 1997, ilya winham wrote:

> There is a routine included with the Ark v1.1 source that divides a by b 
> (a/b). My question is when you divide say 8/3 what happens to the 
> remainder and if I just wanted the interger value what would I do. And 
> if anyboby has another way to divide numbers please post this 
> routine.(isn't there something in your z80 books dines?).
> I tried to attach the routines below to look at. If it isn't there oh 
> well!

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