Re: A82: Screenshots


Re: A82: Screenshots

Just tonight I was grabbing them, all the games that write to graph_mem, I
believe, can be grabbed by pressing graph when in the normal calc operation
mode. Also, if a program goes into an inactivity stage, (key_hand call,
ect..) can get a screenshot, of course I've only tested this on zetris,
since it doesn't write to graph_mem, and that's the only wauy i could get a
screen shot from it....

-- Badman - Badman's Webspace - Badman's TI-82 HQ

-----Original Message-----
From: Kurai Highsmith <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, November 20, 1997 3:48 PM
Subject: Re: A82: Screenshots

>        I know for Oshell (not OS82) all you need to do is exit the
>shell and check the graph screen, since the shell only uses the home
>screen display.
>                                    ~Kurai
