Re: A82: Assembly programmers? where?


Re: A82: Assembly programmers? where?

At 09:37 PM 11/13/97 -0500, you wrote:
>In a message dated 97-11-13 11:11:53 EST, you write:

<snipped stuff about the editor>

Prototype Alpha:  Just a bunch of ideas (on paper) that does exactly what
you guys editor to create ASM programs using a small amount of
space, then be able to actually run the program using a built in
**crash-proof** interpreter or in the shell.  These ideas, that I came up
with, will also allow someone to transfer a program to the computer and
then disassemble the entire file as it appeared in the editor (and the
other way around too)!  This means that .DB %00000000 in the editor won't
end up as a NOP command on the computer.

                 Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
