Re: A82: Assembly programmers? where?


Re: A82: Assembly programmers? where?

It is possible to resize variables, so when the user typed in more text
you could just resize the var and save the text. The text could then be
saved in a special var which you could send to the PC when you wanted. A
small program would be needed to convert the text, but that should be
extremly simpel to do. The only problem here is that the location of the
resize function has not been found on all rom versions, if someone did
writing a
program like that (with support for lowercase) should be no problem at

-----Original Message-----
From: <>
To: <>
Date: 13. november 1997 03:09
Subject: Re: A82: Assembly programmers? where?

>The best idea for the editor is just to use a new program. I say this for
>three reasons. In asm, to store your typing you would have to have an
>undefined amount of space, and if your homework got too long it would
>overwriting parts of the RAM, which isn't good. Secondly, a person would
>to make a C program that would translate the hex of the prog into text.
>Thirdly, it would take up mem, and a new program editor is already
>However it would be nice to have lower case. So if somebody that is good
>C, good at ASM, and has a lot of time on their hands and a lot of mem
free on
>their calcs, he or she could go for it. But it is pretty much irrational


Dines Justesen
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