A82: Re: To anyone who knows... call $017E
A82: Re: To anyone who knows... call $017E
$017E is called by the interrupt handler to update the keyboard buffer.
means that the function is allready called several times a second, and the
result is stored in system mem. Therefore i do not see the point in
it from you program, just reading the data from system mem would be alot
easier and faster. To read a key from the system mem call GET_KEY. To see
more than one key has been pressed use the bit instruction. $017E does not
take care of APD,Contrast change or ON pressing. If you want to call it
CALL. Any function which has an adresse < app. 800h should be called using
CALL, functions which has an addresse >app. 3000 should use ROM_CALL (in
-----Original Message-----
From: Cory Crooks <badman@velocity.net>
To: assembly-82@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-82@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: 12. november 1997 00:25
Subject: A82: To anyone who knows... call $017E
>Looking through my trusty old 82-xxx.txt files today I stumbled upon
>something that would speed up my key reads considerably. So my question
>is $017E a volitile function? (no ON pressing ect...), and do I need to
>ROM_CALL it or just call it, I'll probably rom_call it anyway, for safety
>sake... Hope someone can help.
>p.s. I don't feel like port reading so that's why i'm not doing it...
Dines Justesen
Email: dines@post1.com or
WWW : http://www.gbar.dtu.dk/~c958362/