A82: Re: To C or not to C


A82: Re: To C or not to C

>From Programming the Z80 by Rodney Zaks :

CP s             Compare operand s to accumulator

Function :    A - s

Describtion :     The specified operand is subtracted from the ac-
                            cumulator, and the result  is discarded. ......


-----Original Message-----
From: GeradS711@aol.com <GeradS711@aol.com>
To: assembly-82@lists.ticalc.org <assembly-82@lists.ticalc.org>
Date: 9. november 1997 16:05
Subject: A82: To C or not to C

>alright, this can go to faq@ticalc.org when it's answered. . .
>when I do this
>cp 6
>does the processor do this
>or this
>I need to know this because it sets the carry flags. . .
>if a was 5,a-6 would set the carry flag, however 6-a wouldn't, Jimmy
>zshell school says it is the first way, but his table says it the second
>so if you could please help it would be great.