Re: A82: Re: Pointers and shells


Re: A82: Re: Pointers and shells

When the backup file is hacked the location of one variable is moved (by
chaning the VAT) so the calc thinks that it is placed in the system part of
the memory. Another variable is changed so it contains the adresse of the
shell. Whne you store one var to another the system just opies the bytes
from one to the other, which means it will store the addr from the second
var into the first var which is in the system part of the mem.


-----Original Message-----
From: Eric O'Connell <>
To: <>
Date: 7. november 1997 23:40
Subject: Re: A82: Re: Pointers and shells

>>BTW I hope you understud the part about how shells are implemented, if not
>>just ask :)
>Hmm.. i understand everything but how exactly you change the input handler
>only by running the ASH program.  i know this has something to do with the
>hacking of the backup file, but if it's an input handler.. hmm.  do you
>understand what i'm asking? :)
>| Eric O'Connell |  Mac Programmer  |
>+----------------+    Guitarist     |
>| |  Math Hobbiest   |
>| drdistort(irc) | Insensitive Male |
>| web:  |