Re: Re: A82: Core Wars


Re: Re: A82: Core Wars

Yes.  It is where one program fights another program for control of a block
of memory.  In my opinion, it would be nice to have that sort of game play in
a confined arena.  However, it came to mind that it might be interesting if
the experienced asm programmers created their own fighters, and then placed
them on a single common web page.  That way, people could download the
fighters and stage fights for themselves.  My last idea involved a
not-so-confined arena; one that uses the actual TI's mem as a fighting
ground.  Since programs these days are sao buggy that calcs must constantly
be reloaded, why not give a purpose to that reloading, or at least have fun
crashing the calc in creative ways.  Immediately, MacHack comes to mind (for
those of you who don't know what this is, it is an annual convention in which
the major MAC men get together and create the most awesome system patches,
routines, globals, etc.).