Re: A82: Core Wars


Re: A82: Core Wars

At 02:48 PM 11/5/97 -0500, you wrote:
>In my opinion, Core Wars is one of the best games on the planet.  As for its
>conection to the TI82 world-there is none.  I just finished a TI82-BASIC
>version (Boo, Hisssss; I know) and it runs likes sludge (What more to be
>expected).  Well, to get to the point, we might as well get a competition
>going on, or something to that sort in which people can make programs that
>fight other programs in (and I stress this part) a controlled zone.  Now how
>hard could this be, taking into account that the entire Core system only has
>10 absolute'y necessary functions, and even that is stretching it.  For those
>of you who know what I'm talking about, show some interest, will you.  For
>the rest of you who want more info, let me know and I would be glad to fill
>you in!!

I remember something about this from a friend of mine.  Two programs
"fight" each other with a set of codes on a UNIX machine.  Sounds good, but
where can I find Core Wars (isn't it Code Wars on UNIX)?  Also, what is the
ENTIRE command set for this game?  Just curious.

                 Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
