Re: A82: Info wanted (Dines) <AND> assembly programmers? where?


Re: A82: Info wanted (Dines) <AND> assembly programmers? where?


The reason that we chose not to release information on the new shell was
that if it takes too long to develop the shell, or not all features are
included in the final release some people will complain a lot. After
seeing what happend on the TI85 when people released too much information
on the shells  we thought it would be a bad idea to release the
information. One exampel is when the ZShell Development Team announced
ZShell 4.5, after a while where nothing had happend a lot of people mail
questions like "when it is going to be released" to them. I might be
willing to release some information on the new shell, but there is one
problem. Since late September i have not been able to get in contact with
Jason Todd. 

When ever people have asked me questions on how to do something in Ash 3.0
i have allways tried to see if their problem would be easier to solve
using the new shell. If it was i have included the information. The reason
for doing this is to help people, and at the same time not release too
much information.

The problem with telling anyone when it is going to be finished is that i
do not know. I am currently working on the last part of my "big" project
at the university (designing a RISC processor), and when that is finished
is should get some more time. I do however try to get as much done as
possible, but it all takes time. Another thing is that some of the new
features planned will require that locate some new functions in rom, and i
do not know how hard it will be to find them.

If Jason does not mil me soon, I will continue working on the shell alone
(Ash 4.0). If I do that i could release some infomation, if you guys
really think it is nessasary.


Currently I use all the time i have for programming on the new shell,
since i find that it is the most important project. Besides that i have
several other things which needs to be done before starting on a new one
(ti-rom 1.1,ti 85 emualtor 2.5 ....). I have however concidered to make a
ti82 version of one of my ti85 program. The program was called MandelAsm,
and it used fix point math to calc the mandel brot set (app 10 secs). The
problem with all this is that i find debugging very boring, so most of
programs are never released (like MandelAsm for the TI85). I make programs
because i enjoy it and when the only thing left is debugging I normally
lose interest in the programs and it is never released (which i was
happen to all my ti85 programs). 

I do not belive that i am the best ti82 programmer. Look at the great
games written for Ash, and you will see that some of the programmers out
there are really good. (Thanks anyway)

Some one did convert coloumns to work with Ash 3.0, and he posted it to
this list. I do plan to put a working version of it on the ash homepage,
but i have not had the time. 



Dines Justesen
Email: or
WWW  :

On Tue, 4 Nov 1997, ilya winham wrote:

> First of all, Dines, do you really expect to keep this new 'shell' 
> completely under raps and not say one word on it ever? come on now, be 
> realistic, what is there to hide? All I am asking for is just a few 
> words on how it is going, what will make it better than Ash, and when 
> might it be finished. That is all, no more, no less. Just answer this 
> question once and I'm sure everyone can rest. Now, question number two, 
> Since you are probably the best 82 assembly programmer to date, how's 
> about making some programs? Just something useful would be nice. Or just 
> finish converting Columns to Ash3.0, whatever.
> Subject two: assembly programmers? where?
> I would just like to know who is programming what and when something new 
> will be released? And just how many people (out of about 100) that are 
> on this list plan to make some assembly games/programs. Right now there 
> are very few people actually programming games in assembly for the 82 - 
> this has got to change. More people need to get involved to keep the 82 
> 'alive'.  I don't know about you but more and more the 83 and 86 are 
> sucking the life out of the TI-82. The 82 can compete with the 83 if teh 
> programs are made. In conclusion, I know you are thinking "well why 
> don't you do something?" Well, I am. Currently I am finishing up 
> Avalanch 82asm (working out the bugs) and that will be released soon. I 
> am also working with this-other-guy on a TI-82 memory expander/Infrared 
> link/Indiglo screen (which he made, not me) information. Once I have 
> this information I will send it to the list. And one last thing, look 
> for a brand-spankin new 82 site opening January 1st 1998! It will rock!
> Until then keep on compiling!!
