Re: A82: Custom 82p File Designer...
Re: A82: Custom 82p File Designer...
At 04:24 PM 11/3/97 +0100, you wrote:
>on this list, or that you say it is better than prgm82, but please use
>realistic numbers. I also want to mention that i tried to convert a file
>which was 120k, and i took 6 secs.
Okay, I retested it, and it took 15 seconds to run. I still proved my
point that my program IS faster...I just tend to over-exaggerate sometimes
:) (you would too if you were tired and in a hurry).
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Thomas J. Hruska <>
>To: <>
>Date: 3. november 1997 04:13
>Subject: Re: A82: Custom 82p File Designer...
>>At 02:26 PM 11/2/97 -0800, you wrote:
>>>Thank God! I have been waiting for PRGM82 forever. It is just sooo slow.
>>>your thing is even .00124 seconds faster, multiplied by the 100 times I
>>>compiled something, you will save almost an entire second from my life.
>>>you sooo much! No more of those 2 second waits for prgrm82, everybody!
>>Are you being sarcastic (for lack of a better word) with me? Try taking
>>the Dump82 program and test the obj->82p with PRGM82. It will take about
>>30 seconds to convert. My program will be done in less than 1/10000 of a
>>second. Kurai's 24K RPG game for OS-82 would take about 2 minutes for
>>ASM82 while my program only takes 1/100 of a second. So, ALL serious 82
>>ASM programmers (those who write large programs) will want this in their
>>arsenal of tools. You can go ahead and make fun of it. However, I will
>>bet that many other people will find this program to be very useful
>>(especially those who want to make shells and modular add-on capabilities
>>to their programs or just because they want to test their program 2 min.
>>sooner than you do).
Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"