A82: Damn bugs!!!
A82: Damn bugs!!!
Ok, I know you ppl might not be able to help me but here it goes:
I have this game almost done. But, sometimes I run it and it works fine.
Other times it crashes almost immediatly. Now, taking that into account,
what could be my problem? (I know you don't have the source) I am
thinking that some value is screwing something up. Maybe someting isn't
getting reset or some mem area isn't being cleared. Or an ld instruction
isn't legal (16->8 bit or something), or it is trying to display a
sprite that is off the screen (could this screw things up?) I don't
know, any information is appreciated. Or just tell me what problems you
usually have and that just might be mine! Oh, and when programming for
Ash, what things must you remember to reset/clear before exiting to the
shell - and what commands should I stay away from.