Re: A82: SQRZ --so, what's the news


Re: A82: SQRZ --so, what's the news

At 10:41 PM 10/31/97 -0600, you wrote:
>So, Thomas, when will it be done, what stage are you at?? (I figure it 
>is almost done and you are working on the level maker.)

Nope, I have an extremely large homework load for school which is slowing
this down considerably.  However, I'm just getting the basic concept of the
level editor together.  I am still working on the enemies.  Gravity seems
to be the largest conflict that I'm having at this point.  Does anybody
know how gravity works on the PC version?  I keep thinking that SQRXZ is
near the equivalent to an enemy (minus the jumping capability), and I think
he drops a pixel when crossing an open space quickly.  Am I right or blind?

                 Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
