A82: Oshell text file
A82: Oshell text file
Since i have just subscribed to this list i have not been able to send
this information before, but i think it is important. (The reason i did
not subscribe before is that i have just return from 3 weeks of vacation).
Sometime ago i looked at the text file which came with Oshell which
explains the rom calls. It was full of errors, some of them would cause
you calc to crash. I did not make a compete list of errors, but there
where a lot. I do not know if this has been changed, but i probably has
not. So i suggest that you do not use this files before it is corrected. I
have some text about which i wrote some time ago, but i can not figure out
how to send it (have to send it from the university, and i am at home).
I can not help the guys who wrote it in correcting it since they donot
answer my letters, therefore i send it here. The file is a good idea, but
only if it is not full of errors.
Dines Justesen
Email: dines@post1.com or
WWW : http://www.gbar.dtu.dk/~c958362/