A82: Re: not to be mean, but...
A82: Re: not to be mean, but...
On Mon, 28 Jul 1997, Debbie Hayes wrote:
> ...I understand that you intend to maintain credit for the work you have
> done on assembly games for TI-82, but isn't the whole idea to promote
> assembly in the first place? As long as you are credited with your work,
> shouldn't it be acceptable that your code is edited for another operating
> system? I respect your decision, but please reconsider your irrational
> judgment so that assembly programming in general can ascend to higher
> levels.
> Thanks for your time,
> Doug Hayes
If you goto the Ash homepage and look at all the information which we (the
Ash development team) has relesead you will see that our goal is to
promote asm on the ti82, why would we else release all our information. ?
(We have actually released all the information we have, including
information which is very helpful if you want to make your own shell. Try
having a look at the Oshell team, they have refused to give the
information they have so that it can be included in the docs. Therefore i
had to find all the information my self, this is not helping ti82 asm
programming. Besides that they will only answer question if you support
So why did i do all this when the Oshell version of the programs was
released ? The only reason for this is that the guy change my code and
released it without my approving of it. I do not care how small changes he
made, no one should release new versions of my programs without me
approving of it.
Some of you might think that this will hurt the TI82 asm programming, but
as far as i can see i wont. If some one writes tome and ask if he/she can
port the program for another shell, no problem i will probably allow it.
All i want is that people mail me first.
Why do I want all this ? Simply to avoid people who do not know what they
are doing messing up my programs. As an exampel this guy has to several
list and in personal mails to me said that some of the function supported
by Oshell was not supported by Ash. This is not true, all functions
supported by Oshell is suppported by Ash, the only reason for this is that
the guy does not know what he is doing. Therefore i would like to have
some control of what he is releasing with my name on.
After my last mail i have talked to people at ticalc.org and tifiles, and
they have removed the programs from the archives. This does not mean that
you will never see them again, this just means that untill i find some
agreement with him they wont be poublished I have allready contacted the
guy and unless he has some strange demands i am sure that we will find an
agreement pretty fast, so that they can be released.
I still intend to support ti82 asm as much as possible, but if people keep
on publish new versions of my work with out me agreeing i will have to do
something. This could mean that no source code would be possible, which
would make it impossible to do what he has done. And later i might have to
try to disassembly protect programs. I hope that everyone will accept that
i want to be told before anyone changes my programs, since not releasing
the source will hurt the ti82 asm programming.
Again if anyone out there wants to port my programs, or improve them just
mail me first and i am sure we can find a solution