A82: ASH <-> OShell (Info.)


A82: ASH <-> OShell (Info.)

Here is today's update on the ASH <-> OShell-82 Development Kit:

Jul 26, 1997:  Okay, I've had a really hard day and I said yesterday that I
would have some stats on the sprite routine.  I kept running across bugs in
my source that would have crashed my calculator.  I corrected every bug
that I found and added the nice feature of detecting if a clip is equal to
or greater than the size of the image.  If it is, there is no image to be
displayed, so you get returned to the caller.  However, this has one little
drawback...it slows down the routine about 10 sprites/sec.  This "feature"
was added because I want my routine to be virtually fool-proof.  I
re-gained those 25+ lines of code that I deleted yesterday...so I'm back
where I started (almost).  Now to what you all are waiting for:  Those
AWESOME stats!
NOTE:  Frames/sec. is calculated for a 13x9 screen of 8x8 sprites.  Also,
       when clipping, the range is from 1 to 7 (0 would be equivalent to no
       clipping and 8 would break the syntax rule).

NO CLIPPING:                                    Sprites/sec.  Frames/sec.
Using Sprite1 (8x8 with transparency filled):   770           6.60
Using Sprite1 (8x8 w/o transparency filled):    770           6.60
Using Sprite2 (8x8 with transparency empty):    695           5.91
Using Sprite2 (8x8 w/o transparency empty):     580           4.94

UPPER CLIPPING:                                 Sprites/sec.  Frames/sec.
Using Sprite1 (8x8 with transparency filled):   805-1570      6.87-13.42
Using Sprite1 (8x8 w/o transparency filled):    805-1570      6.87-13.42

You can tell I'm not quite done :).  As you will also notice, when you clip
a lot off of an image, the speed nears 1600 sprites/sec (13.7
frames/sec)!!!  Not bad for a routine with over 1000 clock cycles (still).
Actually, 800+ clock cycles are used to clip the image down to size.  The
rest do the actual drawing of the image.

Well, I need some rest.  I've had a long week and I am really tired.  I
should have the rest of the testing done by tomorrow but I can't make any
guarantees knowing how many bugs I've found lately.

                 Thomas J. Hruska -- thruska@tir.com
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"