Re: A82: Asm CALLs...
Re: A82: Asm CALLs...
In a message dated 97-07-24 11:02:09 EDT, you write:
<< I am writing raw assembly on the TI-82, i.e. no shell. What should I do
(what should I PUSH and POP) before and after a CALL statement, because
they crash my calculator. Thanks.
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Push nothing
Pop nothing
A CALL_ statement is essensially a call statement, but it is used to call in
your program, so to use CALL_ without a shell, do this:
ld hl, my_label
ld de, whatever the addr is, since it will always be the same, just as a
shell is
add hl, de
call hl
and I suppose you can push and pop hl and de if their values are important,
but call pushes pc and pops it when a ret is encountered, so you don't need
to do that.
The only problem may be the addr for the program.
Good luck, I reccommend using the shell or write your own
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