RE: A82: Detecting ROM version


RE: A82: Detecting ROM version

>Well, there was one thing wrong with your code:  TX_CHARPUT will display
the ASCII character, not the numerical value of the byte it found.  To
display the decimal value at ($7FFF) (yes, you're correct, parentheses
stand for indirection), you should load L with ($7FFF), and H with 0, and
then ROM_CALL(D_HL_DECI).  The other problem wasn't your fault... it seems
that the coders of the shells (well at least Ash... I didn't check OS-82,
but it's probably the same problem), don't save the ROM page when they run
a program, so you have to do it yourself.  Here's the fixed code... it
compiles correctly and runs fine on ASH 2.0... (BTW, my calc, ROM 16, shows
198... perhaps yours is different).

My calc (ROM v18.0) shows 1 in ASH and 0 in OShell-82.  I'm beginning to
doubt that the memory location $7FFF (on ROM page 7) is a ROM version number.

Thomas J. Hruska

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