Re: A82: Why Turbo Sucks. (also reply to dines)
Re: A82: Why Turbo Sucks. (also reply to dines)
First of all it makes it possible to have interrupt rutines which are
relocated. Secondly it would make it possible for a shell to support TSR
programs without disabling some of the calcs features. When TSR are
supported by the calc the programmer have to do very litlle besides
writing the interrupt rutine. Have a look at the part of the Usgard docs
which explains how to make TSR programs, and you will see how much easier
it is than what is required on the ti82 now. If you look at some of the
other TI85 shells you will see that the TSR support on shells which uses
the same kind of relocation as Ash/CrASH is not as good.
-----Original Message-----
From: GeradS711 <>
To: <>
Date: 23. december 1997 18:10
Subject: Re: A82: Crash problems :)
>How can Usgard like relocation make TSR any more easy????
Dines Justesen
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