Re: A82: Crash problems :)


Re: A82: Crash problems :)

I think that on the TI83/6 (and the TI92) the calc monitors the link port
all the time, and the link program can then send certain commands to it to
get the info it needs. I its probably an interrupt rutine which does all

-----Original Message-----
From: ESDavid <>
To: <>
Date: 23. december 1997 06:30
Subject: Re: A82: Crash problems :)

t it was like, but unfortunatly i had a
>>  few problems. After having unzipped the crash zip file i tried to send
>>  the 82* files to the calc, but i could only send the 82b file. When i
>>  tried to send the other files both of them had the name Input and the
>>  comment was really wierd (something like >DEGRESS >RAD egg). The link
>>  program (link82) then gave me an errormessage saying that it could not
>>  send the files. Have anyone seen this before ?
>>  It found out that the problems was that the name of the programs start
>>  with a small letter which is not supported by the link program made by
>>  I then used a hexeditor to change the name to capitals, and then i had
>>  problems sending the files. Is there an easier way to send the files
>>  the calc then by using a hexeditor ? Which link program will i have to
>>  if i want this to work ?


Dines Justesen
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