A82: Looping
A82: Looping
According to ash school you can do a 16bit loop with the following rutine:
ld bc,x
dec bc
jr nz,loop
but ... the books I have read about the z80 all says that a 16bit inc/dec
doesn't change the flags. So this won't work. Am I correct?
So how can I make such a rutine most efficiently? Like this
ld b,x
ld c,b
ld b,x
djnz loop2
ld b,c
djnz loop1
or this
ld bc,x
dec bc
ld a,c
or a
jr nz,loop
ld a,b
or a
jr nz,loop
or is it done completely different?
Stefan Sommer
By most known as Stefan The Greatest (Almost) Sommer
God created my kind - but he forgot to tell me why