Re: A82: Some Questions for the ASM gods


Re: A82: Some Questions for the ASM gods

At 03:25 PM 12/2/97 -0800, you wrote:
>I have a few questions:
>1.  How do you beat level 6 on SLippy by Andrew von Dollen.  I have
>been stuck for almost a week.

Push the top block down and left.
Push the top block left and down.
Push the remaining block left, up, and right.

>2.  How do you connect headphones to the ti-82.  Is there some kind of
>adapter I need?

Get the 2.5mm -> 3.5mm jack from radio shack.  Make sure it is stereo on
BOTH ends.

>Thanks a lot for your help.  Sometime this month I plan to release my
>first asm Games:  A-wing.  Its a top scrolling shootem up game with a
>ship that looks like an a-wing from star wars (hence the name) and you
>have to kill the tie fighters.

By chance are you using the scrolling routines I designed for the ASH <->
OShell-82 Development Kit v1.0?

                 Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"

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