Re: A82: ASH questions


Re: A82: ASH questions

At 09:38 PM 8/29/97 -0700, you wrote:
>>So far, I've got all of my interrupt routine confined to the APD buffer
>>(different from Game Wizard v1.0 which uses the Graph_Mem and the APD).  A
>>really weird thing is that I can load Game Wizard, exit to ASH, but when I
>>press the [ON]+[.] keys it sometimes crashes.  This only happened once, but
>>it still is strange.  I'm trying to get Game Wizard to work with Spaze
>>Invaders, but it crashes every time I run it...maybe it uses the APD for
>>some variables.  TIA for any suggestions you may have.
>Spaze Invaders uses almost every bit of both the APD_BUF and the graph mem
>at $8581 (there were troubles with this, check your window vars after using
>all 768 bytes at $8581 on a ROM 18, but I dunno) to make that neat effect
>at the beginning (and the end...but you'll see when you get there :)  Too
>bad for all the would-be cheaters, eh? ;)
>	-Andrew

Why don't you just use the TEXT_MEM or TEXT_MEM2 for your variables?  Also,
if you are using that many variables, you might want to reconsider using
space in your programs to store them.  I try to stay as far away from the
APD buffer as possible, since I want to avoid conflicts with programs such
as Game Wizard.  You have to be polite to cheaters, you know :)  I mainly
use Game Wizard as a speed controller, but its always fun to see what
variables I can tweak in games.

                 Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"
