Re: A82: Displaying value of HL
Re: A82: Displaying value of HL
At 03:41 AM 8/24/97 -0500, you wrote:
> Hallo, I am aware of D_HL_DECI for displaying the value of HL in
>the big text, but how for the small used on the graph screen? Routine,
>pointing in the right direction, anything useful. I am suspicious that
>you need to use UNPACK_HL in some way, is this correct? Thank you,
> ~Kurai
Here is the source for DM_HL_DECI, just CALL_(DM_HL_DECI) with a value
between 0 and 65535 stored in HL.
NOTE: Its not very optimized, but it does the job without additional
spaces. It also does NOT use UNPACK_HL which speeds it up a little bit
(but that speed is lost with the call to CP_HL_DE).
push af ; Temporarily store af on the stack
push bc ; Temporarily store bc on the stack
push de ; Temporarily store de on the stack
push hl ; Temporarily store hl on the stack
ld b,48 ; 48 -> b
ld c,4 ; 4 -> c
ld a,h ; h -> a
or l ; If a=0 and l=0, then return zero
jr z,DM_HL_3 ; If zero, then jump to DM_HL_3
ld c,-1 ; -1 -> c
ld b,46 ; 46 -> b
jr DM_HL_NEXT2 ; Jump to DM_HL_NEXT2
call CP_HL_DE ; cp hl,de
jr c,DM_HL_NEXT2 ; If carry, then jump to DM_HL_NEXT2
dec c ; c = c - 1
ld b,47 ; 47 -> b
inc c ; c = c + 1
ld a,c ; c -> a
or a ; If a=0, then return zero
ld de,10000 ; 10000 -> de
jr z,DM_HL_2a ; If zero, then jump to DM_HL_2a
cp 1 ; If a=1, then return zero
ld de,1000 ; 1000 -> de
jr z,DM_HL_2a ; If zero, then jump to DM_HL_2a
cp 2 ; If a=2, then return zero
ld de,100 ; 100 -> de
jr z,DM_HL_2a ; If zero, then jump to DM_HL_2a
cp 3 ; If a=3, then return zero
ld de,10 ; 10 -> de
jr z,DM_HL_2a ; If zero, then jump to DM_HL_2a
ld de,1 ; 1 -> de
ld a,b ; b -> a
cp 46 ; If a=46, then return zero
jr z,DM_HL_INIT ; If zero, then jump to DM_HL_INIT
inc b ; b = b + 1
call CP_HL_DE ; cp hl,de
jr c,DM_HL_3 ; If carry, then jump to DM_HL_3
or a ; Reset carry flag
sbc hl,de ; hl = hl - de
jr DM_HL_2b ; Jump to DM_HL_2b
ld a,b ; b -> a
ROM_CALL(M_CHARPUT) ; Display the character
ld a,c ; c -> a
cp 4 ; If a=4, then return zero
jr nz,DM_HL_NEXT ; If not zero, then jump to DM_HL_NEXT
pop hl ; Retrieve hl from the stack
pop de ; Retrieve de from the stack
pop bc ; Retrieve bc from the stack
pop af ; Retrieve af from the stack
ret ; Return to caller
The only advantage that I can think of to using this routine is that is has
no leading spaces. Hope I could be of help.
Thomas J. Hruska --
Shining Light Productions -- "Meeting the needs of fellow programmers"