A82: Sierpiniskis + asm help
A82: Sierpiniskis + asm help
Here is a samll ti82 progg ( the first I've made) and I hoped someone could
try it out ?
(I don't have a cable at home :( ) and then tell me if it worked ?
(anykey should exit and it SHOULD make a sierpiniskis triangle.)
Asm help:
in this progg I have 3 almost identical subroutines (the only diffrence is
some variables)
how should i do to point to a specifical variable?
v1 = TEXT_MEM +1
v2 = TEXT_MEM +2
v3 = TEXT_MEM +3
ld a,3
cp 1 \ (point something maybe ?HL? to v1
cp 2 \ (point something maybe ?HL? to v2
cp 3 \ (point something maybe ?HL? to v3
ld a,(?HL?)
... and so on ..
how do you do that?
//Peter Widenhammar